
  • ROBLOX Battle [OPEN]

    OPEN SOURCE! Feel free to check out how we made this game and ask us about it! Hello all! Now the light body armor is a free item for you to inspect! http://www.roblox.com/LightBodyArmorWithSpeedMod-item?id=123893316 Now you can make items for Battle too! Inspect the item and make different colored armor for us! Anyone who gets their armor into the game will receive that item for free forever. P.S. Your armor needs to consist of less than 20 parts. NEW MODE: DODGEBALL! NEW MAP: THE DEPTHS! NEW MODE: SWORD ELIMINATION! Join the ROBLOX Battlegroup! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=899187 ----------------------------------------------- New 3D Inventory! Click on the shield to see it! New Bulletin Board feature: see the latest additions to Battle when you join! TWO NEW GAMETYPES! A NEW MAP! Check out the new gametypes, Back Blast and Sword Swept, and play them on the new map, Skylands!

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