
  • Malh Saga: The Mawi Saleh Insurgency

    "For nearly two decades, the people of Mawi Saleh had been governed by the various warlords who rose to power after the fall of the First Vanderall Empire. After Patrian interest in the region grew, the Avir Hussars were sent in to take the city from the Warlord Al-Qapati, who was funded by the Kernmagne Realm. After a decisive victory over Al-Qapati's forces, the Hussars garrisoned the thirty year old Trajan Airstrip. There was little resistance in the aftermath of this battle and for a time there was peace. However, intelligence reports state that a new warlord has mustered those who fled the battle in an attempt to retake the city." Credits: AsbjornVanderall TrajanVanderall

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