
  • front page developer simulator (Joke game)


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  • Darkness obby [オールド]

    移動:https:// www.roblox.com/games/16713821581 オビーと暗闇で遊ぶゲームです。 進行中のレベルインポーター:https:// www.roblox.com/games/16612808225

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  • Can All of Robloxia Make a Color Tierlist?

    Self explaintory, the tierlist is global so anyone on any server can vote. (If you choose a color too fast it doesn't actually count, so take your time thinking because this is important for society or something lol) Updates: Made it so many dislikes and likes (the amount of times the color was choosen as better or worse) and made it so you vote on colors that have less votes more often Added the color cube diagram to visualise the colors Added an averaged verision of the tierlist Adjusted the boundaries for the grades

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  • Mathmatical Caves

    A desolate land filed with perlin noise caves, ever repeating sphere constructions and tessellating tangled tetrahedron and a full void forming an uneven balance towards whatever is left of this world. Game is very hard on your cpu. If you want everything to stop being wobbly increase Surface Accuracy. Besides, the classic WASD controls, shift triples your speed. CTRL multiples your speed by 5 (holding both multiples it by 15) Go down for a surprise noise wall which contains some weird but fun artifacts. Go far out in the sphere/ triangle direction for funky colors. Go up if you want everything to disappear. There's some weird pillar structures far out created through the math, not sure where they came from.

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  • Weird Raycast Test (uncopy locked)

    I have no strong comment, very strange looking. EXTREMELY LAGGY. Press toggle rendering for results. and press toggle rendering type if you want like 50% more fps Lower screen resolution and light range for less lag. turn up or down gravity light influence if you want blackholes and whiteholes to work and not work. (if on gravity rendering) Supports gravitational bending, transparency, reflection and VERY basic lighting (it's not really lighting, it's not possible to have real lighting with gravitational bending). The game itself is uncopylocked so you can edit in studio and make any crazy visuals or even games you want(would not recommend though, the lag would be insane). All code here was made by me and I use stuff from the toolbox to populate the area. landscape. do whatever you want with it.

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  • Space Test

    Works fine but doesn't work with multiplayer, so I scrapped it

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  • 浸水エリア(バックオープン)


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  • インポッシブル・オビー (コピーロック解除)

    Obby の作成者/所有者: ウェロロール、サイカル 別のゲームに取り組んでいるので、このゲームはロックが解除されました。今はゲームでやりたいことが何でもできますが、これを作っていたときはスクリプトが初めてだったので、スクリプトがちょっと悪いことを警告しておきます これは不可能な趣味で、ROBLOXで最も難しい趣味の1つです。 バッジはこのオビーを完了するだけで簡単に獲得できますが、決して簡単ではなく、非常にやりがいがあります。頑張って! 続編: 死んでいます

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