
  • Tammy's Room

    This dim, warm place is Tammy's permanent place of residence. For nearly 5 years she's slept here and dreamt here. There remains a single crate near her resting place; one heavy with memories, sentimentality, dust, and past data burning silently, waiting for its master to awake and rediscover its monolithic footprint. The dull orange brings comfort, but conceals a growing sadness of years misspent hidden away from the world. One can only dream of changing the past for so long before the gravity of time begins to choke your heart. In that case, perhaps it's time she woke up.

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  • gone

    reduced to atoms

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  • Tammy Vigintillion

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  • Sunshine

    A beach located on the moon of a distant exoplanet more than 40 light years from our solar system. The planet—orbiting about 0.84 astronomical units (125,662,211 kilometres) from its parent star 55 Cancri, is a large, turbulent, and hot gas giant with one moon which is constantly battered by winds that erode the mountainous landscape, and carry large amounts of dust and sand particles around the circumference of it. Average surface temperature is estimated to be around 35~39° Celsius at perihelion.

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