
  • Arabica Tycoon [WIP]

    ALMOST DONE! I will continue working on this project soon, expecting a save system, better weapons (guns?) and maybe some other stuff. This place is still in development, but you can take a look! :) -Update Log- - changed price of everything, adding scripts, fixing bugs. - Added music :) - Finished the tycoon itself. now adding stuff... - Lava now spits random fire :P - Made a script for the mage tower. Go check it out :D - New textures, so new update! I retextured some of the buildings with wooden planks and the new cobblestone pattern. I hope you like it! - Boats can sail you to other Island now! just step on a boat and go! - I now write updates down! -Before the storm there were 6 thriving towns. These towns were brutally taken by the storm. Now it is up to you to prove you are worthy of rebuilding a town beyond its former glory. Will you find the lost traders to gain income? Will you attack the other towns to gain their riches or will you help the other

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