Pengalaman Virtual

  • Jalan-jalan Shanghai

    [Pembaruan 2024: memperbaiki beberapa mesh yang rusak + menambahkan sedikit lebih banyak detail] Sebuah showcase yang terinspirasi oleh bab "Laying Low" dari K&L 2: Dog Days. Game ini mungkin akan sedikit laggy kecuali komputer Anda sangat kuat, karena seluruh showcase dibangun di Roblox.

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  • Welcome to Shanghai

    Play with headphones for the best experience. You're alone in a dingy alleyway in Shanghai. You don't know the place or the language. You are on your own. 99.9% built by hand. Meshes that aren't mine: L4D utility truck and curtain mesh.

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  • Menu 03 - Plane Lands

    [STATIC SHOWCASE - there is no character and the camera does not move] A menu cinematic recreated from K&L2. A plane lands in the airport nearby as you overlook a hazy Shanghai.

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  • Menu 02 - Courtyard

    [STATIC SHOWCASE - there is no character and the camera does not move] A menu cinematic recreated from K&L 2: Dog Days. A quiet, humid afternoon on a Shanghai courtyard. Best played with headphones. [Minor epilepsy warning: contains a flashing screen and shaky cam]

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  • Menu 01 - Hotel Room

    [STATIC SHOWCASE - there is no character and the camera does not move] A menu cinematic recreated from K&L 2: Dog Days. A rainy night in a Shanghai hotel. Best played with headphones.

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