Pengalaman Virtual


    The making of this map was inspired by scripttester123's War! CTF. ========================================== To detonate the C4 packs, press q. ========================================== say: "bp" to regen black plane "bh" to regen black heli "bt" to regen black truck "bm" to regen black medkits "rp" to regen red plane "rh" to regen red heli "rt" to regen red truck "rm" to regen red medkits

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  • Life After People

    Well I think its obvious by now I'm making a new map lol. I can't wait to see the finished product! ======================================== [GAME PLAN] 1. Make entire abandoned city. 2. Destroy what needs to be destroyed in it (a.k.a. make it look broken down for affect.) 3. Make the plants and other abundant plants. 4. Fix any bugs, if any. ~Toadlet~

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  • Sword Fight on the Factory Heights!

    My first sword fight map :D! All of the that models aren't mine here were taken from Telamon's sword fight on the heights. I built everything from scratch and off the top of my head. I'm going to edit things as I think of them and as people suggest them. Have fun!

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  • Need for Speed Race!

    Blue vs Red. Race threw a bunch a different obsticles. First one past the finish line wins. As many laps as u want... its all up to you and whoever your raceing. Kick any noobs. Tell me what i should add or take out. This is a hard race track but with some practice it is easier. I've added new cars that can destroy each other tell me what you think. Im also making a clan called NFS, Ask me if you want to be in it and I will test you when I get the chance. Have fun! ===================== all the ppl saying this lags are noobs because u r over regening the cars. the ppl who say the turns are to hard are even noobier. u cant drive if u think this is hard.

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    Everything made here was made by me except the rockets and jet boots, which i got from ROBLOX, and the leaderboard and flags, which i got from builderman. Pretty much EVERYTHING here is destructable, (to give u a hint, only the black colored things arnt.) This is CTF so try to capture the flag AND get kills. This map is the most fun when its full so invite friends. I have added the flags to the big regen script so if the fall into the lava they will regen with everything else. this also means if ur holding the flag it will regen and u will loose it. I also added a way to get to all islands that isnt destructable. this means if u blow up a bridge, there is still a way u can get the flag. (jetboots dont work with flag) Have fun!!!!

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    cars made lag so there gone now ========================================== My second rocket battle.... this is taking place of my worldsofwoods map. Thank you to all who stuck up for me and knew i did not copy tecs game. everything made here by me except the rockets and jetboots, and the regen and leader bored.

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  • Paintball: Speedball Canyon! READ DECS.!!!!

    I took out the ATVs because they caused lag. Plus a changed the name because i made both teams have actual bases! ========================================== say "medkits" to regen Medkits "cloner" if the cloner breaks ========================================== If this place gets popular more stuff will be added. HAVE FUN YO!

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  • Need For Speed OFFROAD RACE! *DONE*

    [ Content Deleted ]

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  • Need For Speed Highway Chase (LAG REDUCE)

    i updated it so if the regen breaks say "redcar" for red or "bluecar" for blue. i also rased the starting point so noobs cant run into as ur trying to get to the car. ==========================================OK people, this place was originally made as a place to hang with my clan... i never expected it to get this popular... thats why its probably my worst map.

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  • Need For Speed! Skyscraper Top Race!

    Im not finished with this completly, but ive finished the track! :D. I still have to add obsticles so suggest some to me if u want. This map is playable but theres only one team for now

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