Pengalaman Virtual

  • Artemedian Union Eagle Rock Base

    Eagle rock is the Ground Force Command for the AU forces on the ground. From here we coordinate military actions and even train soldiers here. It's strategic and military value make it a priority target for the Union's Enemies.

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  • AU Mountain Base Krasna-4 (Raid Here,Read Desc)

    Raid Rules: There must be atleast 4 Artemedian Union soldiers here for it to count as a raid. (Victory Conditions):Raiders must hold the flag for 30 minutes or more, same with defending forces.(Leaving before victory conditions are met counts as a win for AU.) ---------------------------------------------------- Hacking/Exploiting will count as an auto-win for AU. (Raiding as an AU,ally, or visitor will not count as a raid!)

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  • Artemedian Union World HQ

    This HQ is the location of the Artemedian Unions Military and diplomatic Machine we command our armies and welcome others into our glorious union from here

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  • Secure Bunker Union

    A secret secure Unon bunker built to house the leaders of the union and their military personnel. From here we coordinate War, Hold meetings, and otherwise command the Union's Military Forces

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  • Au Personal Server

    A Map used for AU members to build new technologies and otherwise have fun and build when they wish

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