Pengalaman Virtual

  • mode cerita bb

    Permainan fangame Pertempuran Berdarah yang terlalu jauh dari komentar lelucon ke alur cerita aneh. Jangan mengharapkan desain game berkualitas. Lampu berkedip mungkin atau mungkin tidak menghalangi orang-orang dengan epilepsi. pokoknya begitu game ini akan memiliki: - cerita yang kurang ideal (palsu) - karakter yang menyenangkan - sekuel yang akan meniup kaus kaki Anda dari lengan Anda Sudah waktunya untuk bangun di pagi hari, berlari di sekitar medan perang tunjukkan padaku apa yang kamu punya tentara Kredit ke nicorocks5555 untuk inspirasi permainan. Ide asli oleh "KoolKidsdontJul"

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  • Box Game: Afternoon Shift

    Working at the box factory during the noon really is an intense experienc, your workshift is gonna be ruined if anything wrong happens. Original game by nicorocks5555: box factory Pick up crates by running into them. LMB - Drop E - Throw TIP: Use your cutter to break wooden boxes to prevent the limit from being reached.

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  • Terlibat (WIP)

    Pertahanan Menara, tetapi dengan mekanik acak. Kemampuan beradaptasi mengalahkan semuanya! Masih menjadi pekerja keras; harapkan menara memiliki animasi pengisi, peta berkualitas rendah, mode SATU, dan kekasaran keseimbangan umum. Tapi hei, itu bisa dimainkan! Tambahan Terbaru: Peta "Not-So-Straight Line" (Sangat Sulit) Agen - Menara Eco/Hexer (Menara Normal) BlastBasher: DPS/Melee/Menara Tank (Menara Lintasan)

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  • Project Battle Arising [Beta]

    No more Pre-Alpha! No more Explorer! No more free kit! You been locked! This is still an in-progress passion project, mainly inspired by the game "Kit Battle", as well as other game inspirations. Reports of any bugs and glitches to the "Funny Gamer Chat" would be helpful, as this game is quite far from being finished.

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  • A Series of Random Tools

    Random stuff I made, you can check back for stuff Saber of Light - Motor6D no Handle test, also death effects Capture Collar - A tool that was originally made for Kit Battle Trap Tag - skatecar01 mistaken the functionality of the capture collar Dual Blades - From the unofficial kit, the Oneshot Dancer.

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  • Weplaythusgame's Place

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