Pengalaman Virtual


    [18 MODE PERMAINAN] Ingatlah untuk meningkatkan volume Anda untuk pengalaman terbaik! Terima kasih semua untuk komentar dan peringkat yang bagus, mereka sangat berarti bagi saya :D D̲E̲S̲C̲R̲I̲P̲T̲I̲O̲N̲: Ini adalah permainan bergaya minigame, tetapi tidak seperti yang Anda tahu. Ini adalah versi yang benar-benar dimodernisasi dari konsep minigame asli. C̲R̲E̲D̲I̲T̲S̲: DontⓂessWivⓂe - Untuk pengujian beta dengan saya selama berjam-jam. Scriptural - Untuk memecahkan bug dalam skrip utama. Tags: Zona Permainan, SLY3, permainan, musik, minigame, minigame, pelari banjir, menyenangkan, mengagumkan, skrip, mengagumkan, epik, membangun, beruang, adalah, keren, saya, suka, beruang, terbaik, zona permainan, zona permainan, zona permainan, zona permainan, lobi, obby, rintangan, goresan, barel.

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  • ❖ Kelangsungan Hidup Tsunami! ❖

    VIP KEMBALI DIJUAL: Ini adalah permainan klasik yang populer di tahun 2008. Cobalah untuk tidak jatuh dari struktur kayu, sementara tsunami sedang menuju Anda! Tags: tsunami, kelangsungan hidup, klasik, kesenangan, acak, ledakan, booming, menghancurkan, bebas, berjalan, parkour, pembunuh, cepat, mondar-mandir, ocean, SLY3, VIP, obby, menara, berjalan, menjalankan, berlari, mengejar, terbang, lobi, permainan, permainan, bertahan, gelombang, besar, bencana, kiamat, armageddon, rumah, peta, hambatan, kuliah, gratis, keren, barang, pembunuhan, epik, bebek, menjalankan, meledakkan, naik, besar, menakutkan, lautan, peta, perubahan, permainan, gratis, menakjubkan, mengejar, kecepatan, luar biasa, admin, robux, tix, menakutkan, taipan, toko, pemain, poin, menang, kelangsungan hidup, lucu, menghancurkan, poin, zombie, takut, membatu, hilang, menemukan, lencana, melewati, musik, DJ, klub, kafe, restoran, roket, pertempuran, pedang, pertarungan, pvp, minecraft, apa, minigame, minigames, menara, marah, senjata, menang, roblox, pertandingan, wow, lol, baru

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  • New layout is terribad

    Random brain killers: If you enjoy wasting time, is time really wasted? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. A day is one rotation of the earth, correct? The bible says god aimed to make the earth in 6 days... but if the earth didn't yet exist, how did he know how long a day would be? If you water an apple tree with apple juice... is it forced cannibalism? If someone tells you to form your own opinions, and you agree with them... are you really agreeing with them? If a redhead works at a bakery... does that make him a ginger bread man? What if Pinocchio said "My nose will now grow"? Because it's a lie, because his nose wasn't going to grow... but when his nose grows because it's a lie, the phrase was actually true... If you expect the unexpected... isn't the unexpected really the expected? Why do noses run... while feet smell? Is it a good vacuum... if it really sucks? When you die... you do become closer to god! Because you no longer exist.

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    Section for old games I made ages ago, when I was inexperienced. I'm just going to let them die, one roblox update at a time.

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  • Ethereal Fortress

    [10% Completion] - barely even started Not opening to the public, nor am I updating this place until the project is 100% Will add some preview screenshots

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  • TZE [ ᵐᵃᶦᶰ ᵖʳᵒʲᵉᶜᵗ ]

    Development resumed and will be finished soon ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) Will feature full gamepad support -- This is a huge project and I'll need some misc items (such as clocks, cups, tables, buckets ect), and old wall posters / paintings. These will be used around different maps and they'll make the development a hell of a lot faster. If you contribute any misc items, you'll get credit in the final game (: -- Update log (Since september): 27/9/2015 - Weapons and perks UI in progress 25/9/2015 - Zombie AI Pathfinding scripts started (Using the Dijkstra algorithm) 13/9/2015 - First map in development --

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  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) MLG Game Idea Generator ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Post your generated ideas in the comment section! (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)-▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一

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  • 3D Particle FX Demo [ ᵒᵖᵉᶰ ˢᵒᵘʳᶜᵉ ]

    GUI based 3D particle effects, customizable and really nice looking.

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  • Group Database [ ᵒᵖᵉᶰ ˢᵒᵘʳᶜᵉ ]

    Features: --[] Rank display --[] Points system --[] Logs system --[] Admin panel --[] Search bar --[] Shows player's Avatar --[] Easily write logs --[] Easily add / deduct points --[] Concatenated text animation --[] Kicks anyone not in the group --[] Easy customisation for your own use --[] UPDATE: Moved API from roproxytk to rproxypw I'd appreciate credit if you use anything from this :)

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SLY3 tidak memiliki kreasi.