Pengalaman Virtual

  • Roleplay.

    This is models c:! I added another litle baseplate And added decals on it :3.There are 2 cafes with apartments. There are 4 houses. The village i wanted to delete but .3. it wont so.. Just pretend its walmart :D! There is a 24/7... Say its 7/11 .3. There is an abandon town :o And Cabins :o. Friends only You baka's >;c! Admin to my friends when we roleplay there :3 So dont worry about Accesories or Hair/hats.

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  • (Looking for a name Request it.)

    New project for me. c: Idk how long it will take tho. :o!

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  • Gift For Le Friends.

    Hello friends! Now, I know I said i'd be done this Friday however, I cannot due to the ammount of homework, and honors applications starting this week. Plus it's very hard for me to sit here and constantly make models, move them and paint them consistantly. Probably causemy ADHD cx But, I do know I will be done next week . I'm sorry for the delay Dx I'm really trying not to put it off. But its so hard. I wanna make it great for you guys.

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  • Place


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