Pengalaman Virtual

  • Team Fortress Roblox- Orange_X

    It works! Now the quick rundown of things. Im way to addicted to Team Fortress 2 (a computer game) so I decided to make a place of it of the map orange_x. Now for those of you who haven't played it, when you play you choose a "class" each with different weapons. Ive managed to so far do 4 (the scout isn't working yet.) and they are: the heavy (machine gun) the soldier (rocket launcher) the sniper (sniper rifle.) and the demoman(bombs, will soon be changed to grenades.) really thats it. Ill post the rest as I finish them.

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  • Racetrack (read desc. plz)

    In order to race here you must challenge me or nath305.

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  • Space Base with moon, mars, and obstical course.

    In here are teleports to inside Mars and inside the moon. Mars is done, so soon ill be adding weapons to use in there only. I have added a ban script that me and some friends can use. The obstical course is done! I have so far completed 26%

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  • Schuyler34's Training Facility 100% DONE!

    I made this place so you can have a place to train with no worries of people attacking you. Rules; No killing And most importantly... NO GETTING CAUGHT ENTERING THE ADMIN ROOM!!! ok jk. When I'm done making it I'll add a secret passageway into the admin room that you can find if... thought i was gonna tell you eh? Built: Everything

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  • Mikeds Murder Part 1 (read desc.)

    Note: Most of this i just took from models, the only stuff i made was the blood trail, Mikeds room, the water treatment plant, and the car dealership (outside) Youve got to know Miked a lot. You and him are basically best buds now. That was a few months ago. Your still friends, and Miked has asked you to come over to his apartment to help him clear the rest of the boxes out. He has to move because the apartment building he lives in is going to be torn down. You arrive outside the apartment building just as a truck drives off, leaving some tire rubber on the ground.

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  • Roblox The Movie filming area

    For real, this time im gonna be using it.

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  • ...


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  • ROBLOX Castle

    Im still working on it, so if you have any suggestions, PM me. the first hallway is supposed to show all the famous people of roblox. If you can get pictures of the following roblox people, please put it up and tell me. they are uberubert, miked, jj5x5, telamon, and servano. if there is anyone else with over 100000 place visits, please tell me.

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  • Secret Admin Area

    You can only do stuff in here if you have all my admin shirts.

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  • Museum of Torture

    Come and take a look. What goes in that cage anyway? Floor guide 1:Classic Torture 2: Relaxation (O RLY?) Area 2 (Branch): Admin Area 3: Creative Torture 4: Interactive Torture Secret Floor 1: Super Admin Room 5: Zombie Test Center currently building: Floor 6 Dogfighting and Secret Floor 2: Ultra Admin room. Even if the name shows something seemingly innocent (like dogfighting) EVERYTHING will have at least ONE thing to do with torture. After I finish the Ultra Admin Room. I will be done updating until I get suggstions. The Admin, Super Admin and eventually Ultra Admin shirts can be used here.

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