Pengalaman Virtual

  • [MOBILE SUPPORT!] My Summer Car [BETA]

    [🌟]Welcome to My Summer Car (ROBLOX fan-solo-project-game of original game "My Summer Car" that you can buy on steam! This game DOESN'T HAVE any DLCS/EXTRA content that you need to PURCHASE to play the full game) M - Options and Cheats/Настройки и Читы NOTE: Saving will be added AFTER BETA, because multiple items/functions are missing! [🚗] You can assemble a car with your own hands and drive around a huge map, while looking at beautiful nature! [💼] Work at different jobs and get money for making up your car! [🍖] Don't forget about your needs, because you need to buy food, drink water and more to survive! [🌍] This game provides lots of different sound effects and details so you can feel the atmosphere! [🚩] This game also provides lots of different activities and tasks that you can complete so you won't get bored! [💥]WARNING: This is a fictional place with people talking fictional language! [1 Year of making] This game is not official "My Summer Car" by Amistech games!

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  • Rusia: Priozersk [BETA]

    Selamat Datang di Priozersk! 🗺 Jelajahi peta besar! 🌍 🚗 Kataysia dan kaifui di truk curam! 🚙 💼 Bersiaplah untuk pekerjaan bergengsi 🔨 😃 Buat teman 😎 👍Mendapatkan suka dan favorit di bawah permainan, jika suka! ⭐ 🎮 Bergabunglah dengan server kami! 🎉 --Tags-- Roleplay RP Rusia Balap Mobil Mengemudi Россия Вождение Машины Гонки РП Приозёрск Приозерск Simulator

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  • Priozersk ПЕРВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ!

    ВНИМАНИЕ: Эта версия не пофикшена от читеров и багов, я специально сохранил её такой, какая она есть! Не удивляйтесь, что у кого-то может быть миллиард, а может и больше! ИГРАЙТЕ НА СВОЙ СТРАХ И РИСК!

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