Pengalaman Virtual

  • Get a time share and stay at Fat Island! READ DESC

    It is now Fat Island because HCO Island burst into flames by global warming. hehe.. WARNING: We are not responsible for any injuries, deaths, diseases, shooting, mating, stabbing, gang violence, food poisoning, kidnapping, stealing, or any other violence that may occur at this island. There are no refunds once you purchase your time share. Enjoy;) And beware that the fish might eat you. fun! :)

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  • Facility for Fatties. READ DESC

    All people start out as regular robloxians. but eventually they eat a little too much junk food and become fat, obese, huge, overweight, whatever you wanna call those fatties. and who wants to exercise? not me! who wants dieting? not me! thats why you come to the facility that takes care of fat ppl so you dont have to! we do recommend some physical activity.

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