Pengalaman Virtual

  • Fort Greymoor, Skyrim

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  • The White-Gold Tower

    The White Gold Tower, also recognized as the Imperial Palace, is located in the heart of the Imperial City. Originally called the Temple of the Ancestors, the tower was the center of the Ayleid religion and the original home of a set of ancient Ayleid statues known as the Ten Ancestors. (Located in the throne room.) Its existence predates the rise of man and the writing of history in the Imperial Province. Today, it is used mainly as the home of the Elder Council and the priceless Elder Scrolls. The Council Chamber is where important meetings and information is viewed and discussed without disruptions. Constructed by former Elder and Imperial Veteran Kjerag.

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  • [EoT] - Cloud Ruler Temple

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  • [EoT] - Cesare - The Imperial Palace

    Cesare, the Imperial Palace was constructed under the orders of the Elder Council, in effort to provide a private, and more secretive residence for the Emperor in time of war. The Imperial Palace houses the portraits of fallen warriors, and war veterans of the Imperial Legion. This is where the Emperor was coronated to the throne, and rallied for the grand invasion that won the war against the Stormcloaks.

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