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  • ☠ He Boiled For Our Sins ☠

    Just a reminder to anyone posting in the comments, my church group and I are going through and praying for each person who's commented. Thank you for posting your comments so we can pray for you! If the Flying Spaghetti Monster isn't real, then why are all of the planets shaped like meatballs? Answer THIS all of you haters! "It is easier for lasagna to pass through the holes of a colander than it is for a rich person to enter Paradise." (Ishmali Camuwundra) “Hail meat sauce, full of beef. The Spaghetti Monster is with you...” (Ragu) The Flying Spaghetti Monster boiled to forgive us for ALL of our sins from both the past, present, and future, and he is THE creator of The Universe. He loves you :) You HAVE to favorite this if you want to show others your love for Thy Lord's noodly appendages!

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