Pengalaman Virtual

  • Starting Brickbattle Map

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  • Star Trek Battle Simulation*OLDEST VERSION*(DESC!)

    the uss endeavour NX-06 started my entire game called star trek battle whas the first ship to be used in it and this is a recreation of the place how it used to be. by the way i do not have bc do i can not make this place active all the time. the current version of Star Trek Battle simulation will be online most of the times this one not. this is my thirth place wich i used to recreate evreything it used to be.

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  • Roblox Starter Place 2010

    the starter place from 2010.

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  • Star Trek Battle Simulation V9 *Mostly Broken*

    Keep in mind that almost everything in this place was made back in 2011. A few things here were even made all the way back in 2010 by me. Don't expect it to be ultra high tech... It's pretty old stuff. Though, this place was rather extremely advanced for the time. Self destruct has been edited. (Updates ruined it) The new roblox terrain was added and heavily modified in 2017. 95% of everything in this place was made by me between 2010 - 2011. However, some aspects of certain models were modified over the years. I've re-added many removed features in 2017, certain things were removed. After years I've added them back because lag is now less of an issue. Many new chatbots have been added to give the place a storyline. I cannot script, so I take no credit for any scripts used in this game. The original purpose of this place was to serve a group called SBS5. From 2010-2013, this was used as battle and general group roleplay place. Sadly, SBS5 is no more.

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  • Star Trek Battle Simulation Endeavour NX-3,4,5,6,7

    What is this place you ask? These are the Endeavour's old versions. I never even used the Endeavour NX-1,2,3,4 and 5 in any simulations back in the day. The NX-6 and NX- 7 were used at some point. Nobody including myself has seen these for years. Now i brought them back just for you guys. All of these ships have been made from 2009 - early 2011. Well technicaly 2009-2010... I improved the NX-07 a bit in 2011 tough. This place include's other thing's. Such as My first space station wich i called Deep Space 10. And a klingon warbird wich is driveable! Also i am very sorry to tell you guy's that the NX-1 and 2 have been lost to time itself.

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  • Jgoosse Video Prop Showcase (Project On Hold)

    Would you Like to see some of the best things/Props i ever used in my Roblox videos? Some of these were 100% custom made by me. Most weren't made from scratch, but heavily modified. There's a lot more here then that, tough! Everything also has the name of the video it was used in in front of it. This way, you'll always know where it came from. I'll try to update this place often. So you can come back a lot to check out the newest stuff. :D In one way i guess this place is a sort of a museum.

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  • Jgoosse's House


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  • Tha Club (Working on it)

    Making a club but i have lotsa work to do on it. Write in the comment section what i should add. Leave a like for support.

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  • The Hall Of Epicness

    The new version of the hall of epicness! The old one was made in 2010. This one has evreything from 2010 but... Starting January the 1st 2015. There's even more and yes it did take me 5 year's to work on it.

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  • Classic Happy Home In Robloxia

    this is the old starter place. i did not change it! this is 100% how it used to look. and its just how i remember it! :') GOOD TIMES

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  • Star Trek Battle Simulation Private Missions

    Private missions for me and the crew only will be done here.

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