Pengalaman Virtual

  • ☠ Snipeout™ Classic ☠ [BROKEN]

    Made playable by popular demand. Public domain, since there's not much reason to fix it at this point. Maybe with the new engine. Snipe your friends (or enemies) in an intense free-for-all sniper battle. This is the first (good) game that I ever got popular. Instructions in-game. Might update this with my new FPS engine. We'll see.

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  • Ⱳastelander™ 3 Episode 2: Keheningan

    [BUKA]Setelah meninggalkan Wasteland Texan dengan Sisa, mencari Beruang Merah; Vertibird Anda telah jatuh di atas beberapa Ngarai di Wasteland Renoan. Game ini secara khusus didorong oleh cerita, membunuh pemain tidak akan ditoleransi. Jika keadaan menjadi buruk, game akan dimatikan sampai senjata non-PK dapat diatur. Itu bisa memakan waktu lama, karena saya tidak akan senang dengan Anda orang-orang pada saat itu, jadi jangan menyalahgunakannya.

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  • Bolthead - WIP

    Spicy, robot-on-robot action that'll leave you speechless.

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  • Wastelander™ Echoes

    Systems broken, gear allowed if you want to brave the wastes for nostalgia.------- Hundreds of years after nuclear fires consumed Earth, mankind has returned to a state of hunter-gatherers surviving at all costs. But echoes of the old world are still present; technology, values, resources, business- all still kicking and being fought over. In reality, not much has changed- just groups of people trying to survive and make a life for themselves. But without the presence of organized government, tribes form, wars are fought, and the human race continues doing what it does best... Destroying itself. You are a simple lone survivor with a nondescript affiliation, a mercenary of sorts. Thankfully, you've found yourself wandering through the Texan Wasteland, and run into some Confederates in need of some help...

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