Pengalaman Virtual

  • The Dream

    Many boat rides are more or less the same.... I try to push away from the same old water ramps, elevators, etc. I try to introduce the ride and set the mood. I try to keep the ride fast-paced and enjoyable. I bring you... "The Dream". Open beta testing when I am there. It may take you a while to get a boat as I do not have a reliable system for renewable boats *MOSTLY PATCHED*

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  • Scenic Waterpark 2 - The Desert

    Attention NBCers- this game is sometimes BC and sometimes NBC. if we are running it BC only, it will be NBC in a day or two. The Customers' needs are our top priority. This IS Scenic Water Park. Take a ride, or just hang out!

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    Place for my safechatter friend, sean, for me to talk to him with a mic :D*description for a game idea I might build later* This street is just an ordinary street... Or is it? Kids on the block say this school is a haunted school filled with ghosts. They also say that locker 25 get you to a haunted room where you will die a slow and painful death... Do you dare touch the locker? Are you brave enough to go in and do you have what it takes to come back out alive? Find out here

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