Pengalaman Virtual


    Live life as either a Secret Service security agent bodyguard, an Ambassador trying to prevent war, police to find spies and the assassins, emergency services, a spy protecting secrets, a tourist needing the embassy after a false arrest, a V.I.P. / king / prince / president / Prime Minister / top ranking military. It's not all as it seems- smooth-running meetings, political speeches & parties. It's a dangerous life. Can you eliminate the threats? Cars by epic builders the rest is built by me a member of Nibiru Tech Inc. Clothes are in catalogue- type durian42 if you would like them. Part of Empire of Izicia. Tag otua

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  • MUGHAL EMPEROR with badges =EQUALity= Group

    A painting was found showing the great mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, planned a black Taj Mahal across the way from the white one. Badge hunt obby round this shadowy building- the sari maze & tight rope walk, spices of India jumps, climb the Himalaya Mountains. Some people say don't tell where the badges r. Who am I ? The badge police? U team up if u want 2- it's more friendly & fun. There r animals- snake, elephant & big cats like the tiger. U r welcome 2 visit durian42 stuff 4 clothes of the emperor, empress, saris & more Indian & other clothes 2 keep. Plz favourite if u like it. I am in Nibiru Tech. Tag equal42

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  • Aero Chiques Group Airport

    JOIN TODAY ROBUX REWARDS Fly to an aircraft carrier, through Arctic ice mountains, rocky valleys. Can you fly UNDER the bridge? Visit the parachute regiment training plane. Run the control tower, fire truck & paramedic ambulance & doctor emergency room. Be the mechanic repairing the aircraft. Train with the extra skill it takes to fly at night. Vehicles by epic builders found in my models. The rest by me, a member of Nibiru Tech. To own the clothes type durian into catalogue. Tags Izicia, otua. Originally made for cosmic1210 His pilot paradise

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  • Try b4 U buy durian42's clothes from catalogue

    Morphs of clothes made by durian42 so u can test them b4 u go 2 catalogue. Items cost smallest amount I am allowed. 20 tix t-shirts versions sold through group called =equality= All funds go 2 ads 2 tell NBC there is a cheaper way 2 get the clothes cuz I'd like everyone 2 share them. Otherwise catalogue works best if u click clothing down the left hand side then type durian then click bestselling. In game u may want 2 take yr hair/hat off 1st by pressing = Then try the morph & then go 2 the blue tiles with body morphs 2 c if the clothes work with your fave body morph. Hope u find something u like but u r welcome 2 visit just 2 browse. Good place 2 try outfits 4 fancy dress parties, St Valentines, Halloween, Eid, Christmas, New Year. Builder is from group called Nibiru Tech. Enjoy

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    Use your ninja skills on this assault course & role play RPG obby to get badges. Mansion made by my epic friend GOODBYEMANZ, tower, boats & Ninjas by other genius players, the rest by me, durian42. Challenges, maze, puzzles & steer boats through obstacles. Clothes and other colours of Ninja outfits in catalogue if would like to type durian there. Or cheaper ninja t-shirts in different colours in store of group called =equality= tag equal42 Part of Empire of Izicia, Nibiru

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  • Arctic Heroes Special Operations for The 95th

    JOIN The 95th for Robux rewards, regular promotions reviews, meetings most evenings 8pm UK time. EVERYONE welcome. Only the best soldiers like you are called here to attend the medal ceremony. BUT that's not the only reason The95th elite are here. This is NOT just for ceremonies. This is a cover for the Special Operations Control Room and tough terrain. You can monitor the CCTV in the command centre and more with The 95th. JOIN TODAY by typing 95th into Groups & clicking logo saying 'Swift & Bold' Other group games by typing Chosen95th into games. Uniforms if you type Ndur into the catalogue or durian for general clothes. Morphs, teleport, gliders, motorbikes & light sabre by genius players whose models you can find in my inventory to give them credit the rest by me. Part of Empire of Izicia, Nibiru Tech

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    This is an official game from the group Nibiru Tech Inc. Led by InducedSoup9. JOIN or ask us 2 make ANYTHING u need. Check out the other places by typing Nibiru into the game search.Find your way through the Temple maze. Find the Aztec Chief's treasure 4 him. Climb the dam & use your skills 2 steer your boat through the canal obstacle course, role play & live life as an Aztec, explore the city, c if u can find the underground cave, watch out 4 the volcano obby. Aztec clothes at durian42 Tag equal42

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  • FREEDOM with the brave Maroons =EQUALITY= Group

    Can you guide a friend through this badge search/ obby/ RPG to safety with Nanny of the Maroons? Badge of Captain Jack- the pirate who will sail u home. But there are mazes, a volcano, caves, crocodile swamps, giant trees, tree houses & walking the plank before you get to the safe paradise island. Ship by epic player the rest by me. Clothes at durian42 in catalogue. Member of Nibiru Tech. Tag equal42

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