Pengalaman Virtual

  • Merging New Style with Robloxaville

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  • Robloxaville Amped Up -- Will it annhialate mobile

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  • Lakeside

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  • New Place Construction

    Many people have asked if they can become a dev in my place or if I need help with building or scripting. If you'd like to help out in anyway, make a tree model and send it to me by message! This isn't strictly for those who would like to dev or builders and scripters. Anyone who enjoyed my games in the past or present (maybe even future) can submit a tree. Before you make a tree, please understand the following: - Please don't send a tree with scripts that could harm the game! - While free models can be nice, please try to make your own tree! - No one is getting paid for this! It is a community project after all. - You can make it any material, color, and size as long as it's around the size of a 44x57x44 sized block. - Accessories can be added to the tree! (hanging lights, birds, a tree house, etc.) This also means it can be any genre of tree (Sci-fi, Fairytale Fictional, Horror, etc.) - Keep it kid friendly!

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  • Robloxaville

    Terima kasih telah bermain.

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