Pengalaman Virtual

  • Like a Simile

    Currently in development. Still in starting phases. The general theme is Chinese/Japanese architecture and designs from various areas. I will be pulling ideas from places such as gardens, shrines, and other, various landmarks. Suggestions (with picture links) of what I could add would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Hedges (Old Place)

    This was the one game that I started with when I joined in 2008. I created this in 2010 and was last updated on 9/12/2010. (Changed in the place statistics due to reverting) It really is not that good though, but it was fun making back then. I might actually make a second version of this but that's something I'll think about later. ------------------------------------- Previous Description: My First ever 'good' game XD. --- updates come when they need Note: it is possible to get every item in this place so dont comment one not being able to get the item.\\\\This is a sword fight place for every type of person.(this place used to be an obby)

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  • [Shoreline] Tempat yang Tidak Pernah Ada

    Wow, saya tidak percaya saya memperbarui ini: Ditambahkan saya pikir pola 4 titik tersembunyi ke-8. Dimulai di pulau yang jauh. Terima kasih semua untuk dukungan Anda selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Sudah waktu yang tepat untuk mengenal kalian semua. Ekstra di sudut kiri bawah layar. Tekan F11 untuk pengalaman terbaik

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  • Long Names and Capitalization

    Testing designs Inspired by Shaft

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  • [RR] Fort Viridus

    For Double R: Robloxia Recon's Christmas Building Contest. Objective: Capture/Defend the Crystal situated at the end of the cavern. Background:

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person330 tidak memiliki kreasi.