Pengalaman Virtual

  • Pangkalan Laut Inovasi

    Game Inovasi Resmi Selamat datang di Innovation Ocean Facility, sebuah instalasi penelitian berteknologi tinggi yang terletak jauh di lautan luas planet Bumi. Pelajari mutasi, genetika, teleportasi, kopi, kehidupan laut, reaktor fusi, dan banyak lagi! Siapa yang tahu apa yang menunggu untuk ditemukan? Setiap cedera yang terjadi saat mengunjungi tempat kami bukan kesalahan Innovation Inc. Terima kasih telah bersama kami selama bertahun-tahun! Bergabunglah dengan Grup Terkait: Pemeliharaan: Instalasi Laut: Keamanan:

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  • Innovation Inc. Thermal Power Plant 2🌋

    Now an official Innovation game! Located in [REDACTED], this active volcano facilitates the Innovation Inc. Thermal Power Plant. A refurbished power plant, which was converted into a vast research institute after the discovery of the A04 Magma Crystal. Fields of research range from standard scientific development to radiation, rocketry, theoretical physics, lasers, astronomy, robotics, genetics, and a vast spectrum of research into thermodynamics. Visitation tours are available for low-security areas. Join the Disco and Roblox group to be informed on updates/news! Game created by Bloximus Current/past developers: Bloximus, Bloximus, Bloximus, Bloximus, Bloximus, Bloximus, Bloximus and Bloximus Music Composer: Bloximus Early testing/support: Bloximus, Bloximus, Bloximus, and Bloximus Join Innovation: Join Innovation Security:

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  • Ruang makan

    Restoran Tipe 1950 Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan di sini

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  • Bunker

    A bunker of sorts... Hang out with friends and collect gears, get badges, there's some cool rooms and stuff and a lot of friend features. Have fun.

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  • Innovation Inc Favela

    Welcome to innovation Inc. favela, located in Rocinha, Brazil. This "wonderful" place is the day-to-day homes of all your favorite scientists.

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  • The War of 1812

    The Battle of 1812 Fight using the cannons, muskets, sabres and more! Most if not all scripts and animations are now broken in this, and I don't have a particular inclination to fix it, so... Cannons and stuff by cooldeath Fortress model by vjjv Tags: waterloo british United States 1812 cannons musket cooldeath war battle explosion line battles

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  • [Broken] The Trenches

    Based off of the nightly trench raids of World War One Fight well, fight hard, God save your soul. The many innovations and simplicities of this war make it like no other. Developers: Bloximus - Main Development OneSnipeMan - Models Vjjv - Models Tags: Bot defense WWI trenches wave defense zombie defense FPS war guns Peking Viethen artillery explosion battlefield bot AI battle melee military army

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