Pengalaman Virtual

  • Resistance 1899 *Under Construction*

    In Southern France, near the turn of the Century, a virus broke out, killing millions All of France was quarantined at it's best. But, there were some who resisted the virus within France's borders. A group of elite Gentlemen battled it out with the dead in a small Town. You are a part of that group. Keep humanity alive by surviving!

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  • 2nd CSA Main HQ

    Under Construction

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  • 2nd CSA Fort Swamp Fox

    Well, this is a small Fort, about 20 miles near the coast of South Carolina. It is not heavily armed, it has no cannons, but a few good riflemen can hold the walls easily. Raid Rules: At least 2 Confederates must be there, and the first team to surrender or retreats looses.

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  • USRP Fort Williamsburg

    This Antique Fort still stands for moly2355's old group, USRP. It's not meant for raiding by any means. -Trey1997

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  • Trey's Insert Warz!

    Come here to test your models. You can fight with them, or just see what they do, things of that nature. You can also test hats and gear from my testing machines. -Trey1997

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  • EXF Colorado River Outpost

    This is one of EXF's most remote Outposts. This particular one is on the banks of the Colorado River. It's not well defended, but a few good men can hold it. Raid Rules: Raiding Team must hold the opposite side of the River without any Confederates or allies on that side for 20 Minutes straight.

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  • EXF Desert HQ

    This EXF Headquarters is deep in the Deserts of Afghanistan, hundreds of miles away from Civilization. It's in a large flat area and is lightly defended, but a Squad of EXF Soldiers could easily hold it. Raid Rules: At least 2 EXF Members must be present, and the first team to surrender or retreat looses.

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  • 2nd CSA Fort Lee

    This is a 2nd CSA Frontline battlefield. For the 2nd CSA, this ground must be held at all means necessary. Do not let the enemy take the fields. Raiding army does not win until holding the Fort for 30 minutes without the 2nd CSA or its allies taking it back. Good luck soldiers!

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  • EXF Testing Zone

    This area is off limits. If you're caught here without permission you will be shot on sight! No trespassing!

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  • Construction Area

    I don't know if it's gonna be for a group or what. We'll see what comes out of it.

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