
Welcome to the world of remnant. Remnant is a free-roam RPG roleplay game where you are able to use a unique type of magic ability, known as a semblance to defeat enemies. Along with your semblance, you are also imbued with a powerful weapon -- use it in tandem with your semblance to wreck havoc! 

Enable fast mode in settings if you experience performance issues!

Please leave a like and a favorite! At certain goals we will provide rewards to every player!

Current Goals : 
750 Thumbs-up
1000 Thumbs-up
1500 Thumbs-up

Controls : 
Click / R2 = Attack
M / R1 = Menu
Q / ButtonB = Dodge
E / ButtonX = Interact
Shift / L1 = Sprint
CTRL / L3 = Camera Locked
(Additional controls may be found in the tutorial)

Clothes by: Blotnik, KingSoftServe

Inspired by: RWBY


There are currently no running experiences.