
  • Le parcours Obstacle de la dureté!

    si je suis ici, ne demandez pas quoi faire car je ne vais pas vous dire que j'ai ça? en tout cas, c'est un obs avec un peu d'histoire, les noobs / newbs ne passeront pas cp 3, les joueurs modérés peuvent le passer, les experts omgwtf battent le cours = O, ce papier filtre pour séparer les noobs des experts, ne prenez pas trop au sérieux cette chose de noob, Pm me si vous avez des idées pour le futur cp car c'est en bêta! Ou vous pouvez me parler = /, C'est aussi un cours d'intellect, de force et d'encouragement! Les règles sont: Pas de jurons, Pas de moquerie de moi ou de mes amis, Ne m'ennuie pas, Pas de poussée, Ne me plains pas de rendre ce cours plus facile, je ne le ferai pas, Toute infraction à ces règles lorsque je suis dans les parages se traduira par un avadra kadavra ou un pwnage de fragments de glace.

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  • The arcanines (Club)

    YOU NEED TO BE A MEMBER TO GET IN!,The fanclub of the legendary pokemon arcanine (It's a legendary type pokemon, but not a legendary itself), Pm me with a good reason to be in this club... If I approve of you're entry to be in the club I'll pm you back by saying accepted but If I don't approve I'll pm you saying declined.

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  • SRG- Super Mario... GALAXY! (Star Doors fixd)

    =P... Big, big credits for TylerMcBride For his Galaxy starter kit thingy =P, btw if it's lagging for you turn off shadows and bevels... THREE GALAXIES, TEN STARS!

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  • super mario galaxy pt 2 BETA

    This is a beta...

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  • Indiana jones Kingdom of the Crystal skull obby

    It's a W.I.P

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  • Legend of Zelda, The mysterious NintenBla1

    URGENT NOTICE: THE MONEY TELE'S TO OTHER TOWNS DON'T WORK... IF SOMEONE MAKES A WORKING MONEY TELEPORT SCRIPT(By that I mean you have to pay to use the teleport)I'LL PAY THEM 100 TIX OR 30 ROBUX...,This is my LoZ ^_^, My friend nintendobones is helping a lot as well, Btw check all your surroundings, it may help, You can't blox each other, you can only blox enemies ADDED: Zuka's save weapon's script added, only glitch is you can't keep your weps when you use reset (Game Over tool)

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  • Blabla1's Mario kart *NOSTALGIC KART DRIVING*

    One of my first places, it may not work as well as it used to, but I could call a hard driving adventure!

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  • Blabla1's Decal Area (First decal labs made)


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  • Bla's Trophy musuem (working on this now)

    If you want one of your trophies to be displayed on other user's trophy room pm me which one you want to have in, NOTE: You have got to have made the trophy! Btw whatever you do don't jump on the message boxes! It breaks the scripts...

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  • Super smash bros ROBLOX (Old one is back)

    Admin shirt: http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=1562726&UserAssetID=1385142 (read the desc of the shirt), Welcome to super smash bros roblox! choose from 16 diffrent characters (22 if you include VIP only chars, that's 6 more) and choose from 9 diffrent stages (10 if you count the other part in terror mansion, that's 1 more), anyway, it's time to ROBLOX SMASH!

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blabla1 n'a aucune création.