
  • Rescue Mission - Zombie Assault - Arctic Edition

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  • Tough Speed Obby

    In this game, you must run and jump through all the stages to win. There are many obstacles you must overcome to pass each stage, such as climbing through buildings and jumping over lava. Each stage has two spawner blocks and you must step on each one so it can serve as your spawn point. Go through the white portal gates in each stage to move on. I recommend holding down right mouse button when playing this game. This way, you can aim jumps with your mouse for more precision. Tap WASD keys in air for precise air control. Congrats to those who can make it to the end of this tough obby, and thanks for playing!

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  • Mission de sauvetage - Zombie Assault

    Dans ce jeu militaire bourré d'action : - Les sauveteurs sauvent les survivants sur les îles en les récupérant avec des hélicoptères et en les emmenant à la base - Les survivants affrontent des hordes de zombies affamés et tentent de se faire récupérer par les sauveteurs - Les survivants rejoignent les sauveteurs en marchant sur un point de réapparition blanc du porte-avions Crédits Heli - https://www.roblox.com/library/1919575170/MH-6-Littlebird-FE-Enabled-Read-Desc

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