
  • Lieu de test

    La prise de carte est maintenant automatisée! https://www.roblox.com/games/517201717/Bhop-Maptest https://www.roblox.com/games/517206177/Surf-Maptest https://www.roblox.com/users/168659476/profile https://www.roblox.com/users/168661477/profile

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  • bhop

    AVERTISSEMENT: CE JEU EST DIFFICILE ET NÉCESSITE DE LA PRATIQUE! COMMENT SAUTER: 1. Maintenez la barre d'espace. 2. Maintenez D tout en tournant à droite. 3. Maintenez un moment en tournant à gauche. 4. N'appuyez PAS sur W tout en sautant. Mon tutoriel vidéo: https://youtu.be/wDBL2pvkmUk Aidez à enseigner aux nouveaux joueurs comment jouer au jeu! Avantages premium: Sauvegardez automatiquement les bots (replays) de vos temps. étiquettes: csgo css contre-attaque source offensive globale gmod bhop surf

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  • Visualizing Quaternions

    The yellow arrow is the axis-angle representation of the orientation, the green ellipsoid is the quaternion. From the quaternion (w,x,y,z): w is the wideness, v=(x,y,z) v.magnitude is the tallness, and the whole thing points in the direction v. Quaternions do not lend themselves to easy visualization. Read my wiki article about quaternions! http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Quaternions_for_rotation

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  • Continuous angular/velocity CFrame tweening

    Instructions: Click on parts With this tweening library made by xXxMoNkEyMaNxXx, the angular velocity and velocity of the tween are continuous. The main script that makes the part, chooses where to tween it, and updates the tween is 23 lines.

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  • surf

    This game has moved! Your private servers on this game will be forwarded to the new game until they run out. https://www.roblox.com/games/5315066937/surf

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Quaternions n'a aucune création.