
  • White House CTF

    (Snipers have been added!) I DID NOT MAKE EVERYTHING HERE! CREDITS ARE LISTED AT THE END OF THE DESCRIPTION! Capture the Flag taking place on the Lawn of the White House. OBJECTIVES: Capture the Flag. Take the other team's flag and bring it back to your to score a Point for you and your team! (THERE IS NO CAPTURE LIMIT! IT'S AN INFINITE GAME.) Rules -------- - Do NOT go outside the Lawn (Map) by any glitch because the original D.C. is a BIG map. (I MAY EXTEND THE MAP.) - You may use this place for training for your group, or something like that. (If you are doing a training here for a group, simply ask me and i'll give you Admin as an Instructor or something similar, etc.) Credit to - TurboFusion, sgccode9, etc.

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  • Backyard Football Legends (BÊTA)

    Le jeu original a été créé par SDuke_524. J'ai juste utilisé le sien et je l'ai modifié. Attendez-vous à quelques bugs, car ce jeu n'est pas encore terminé. (L'arrêt signifie des mises à jour.) _- Jeu original - Texture de football de la NFL, aide mineure à la rédaction de scripts - Texture de football de la NCAA - Texture de football OFL - Maillots de la NCAA ... et bien d'autres encore, à mettre au crédit du reste.

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