
  • the quixspotic

    full of little references or whatever F for flashlight

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  • Teapot Survival

    currently somewhat broken and I'm too lazy to fix it A sudden resurgence in teapots as a modern cultural rebirth caused insane amounts of teapots to come into existence at a sporadic rate. Slowly, as they accumulated, they achieved a hivemind status, but they have kept it secret. Now, the world has devolved into chaos as the teapots attack every human settlement they can find. You've taken safety in a nearby market, and it is up to you to rid the world of them, for there is nobody else able to. Retro aesthetic intended. Reload Weapons: "R" near Reload Table Fix Weapon: "F" New Additions: - New Final Boss - Removal of Teapot Names ( Steampot / Squiddy / Medic Buff ) - HUD Improved - Teapot Health Doubled - All Weapons Buffed - Shop Changes - Dodge the Teapots Ported Over ( Doesn't work perfectly... but it's there. ) Known Glitches: - Barricades stop functioning mysteriously outside singleplayer.

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