
  • tetris

    some tetris thing - There is now a GUI for customizing your controls!! :D - Might do a full rework soon - Edit: okay yep I *will* have to do a full rework soon lol, game feels sluggish and this is a pretty old unoptimized code To-Do List: - Lots of bug fixes - Button for opening the Controls GUI sometimes doesn't actually open the Controls GUI - ;pause - Lobby - Map - DAS + ARR - more GUIs - Multiplayer Mode NOTES: - Might lag if there are too many players playing, though untested. Sorry for any inconvenience. - This version of Tetris uses SRS Rotation. Commands: ;start OR /e start - Start the game ;stop OR /e stop - Stop the game Ctrl + Click - Teleport Default Controls (Customizable): Left Arrow - Move Left Right Arrow - Move Right Up Arrow - Rotate Clockwise Z - Rotate Counterclockwise X - Rotate 180 degrees Left Shift - Hold Down Arrow - Soft Drop Space - Hard Drop

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