
  • Mansion de la moi

    Mansion I am building Will leave open for people to explore as I update.

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  • benricpoy's scripting room/birthday bash

    Get a Limited Edition "benricpoy's 17th Birthday Bash" badge here from Monday 30th August 2010 at 21:00 GMT - 31st August 2010 at 22:00. After that, the badge will be discontinued. This will also be used for me to test my scripting abilities..

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  • Hotel for Friends

    Each of my friends who want a room will have one here. Only they will have access, but will also be able to open the room, from a Control Room.

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  • benricpoy's Place Number: 7

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  • International Armed Forces HQ V1.8

    | | |When you join a game, look at the bottom. If the Hint says that the server is "outdated", leave and join a new server ----------------------------- Welcome to International Armed Forces Headquarters. Codes have been applied to doors to stop unwanted users entering. ----------------------------- Once you have obtained all three badges here[*], message me and I will give you the code to get in the IAF Completed Room in Badge Set Completed Badges room [confusing?!?.. good :P] ------------------------------ [*] - Badge Status: 1: Visitor - Obtained by visiting the map - Added - Difficulty - Easy. 2: I got Punk'd - Obtained by falling for a well placed trap - In Development - Difficulty - Easy. 3: Lang weitaus zusammengebrochen - Obtained by getting through ALL progressive security doors and failing to avoid the inevitable - In Development - Difficulty - Fairly Easy. | | |

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benricpoy n'a aucune création.