
  • Town of ROBLOXia (Movie Test Site)

    Rules: 1. No disrespecting me or other actors at all times no matter what. You will get a warning when disrespecting one or more people. 3 warnings and you're banned from the set. 2. No abusing admin whenever you are an admin. 3. Do not talk during filming or auditions unless instructed. 4. Do not say anything inappropriate during the film while on set or in the background. 5. Do not beg me or the other main actors to accept your friend requests. It would be a lot easier if didn't have a friend limit. 6. Do not beg me to be in the film. I will ignore you at all times. If you continuously beg to be in the film, you will be banned. I will tell people when I need actors.

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McMonsterJam_Joey n'a aucune création.