
  • Blood & Iron Remastered Weapons

    12/17 NOTICE: The guns in this game were last updated in November 2019. It is not up-to-date and does not support using 'F' as a sequence key for third-person firing like in the actual game (the July Brunswick update included support for third-person firing). However, this does not mean the guns here are outdated and are not in-line with current guns in B&I since the tracers have not changed in the July update. thepoopXD remodels done by Nathan55770. All credit goes to him. This is a collection of his work on the Blood & Iron weapons. Two firing methods: LMB-RMB-LMB and RMB-LMB-LMB Be in first person mode by the time you initiate the second firing sequence in one of the aforementioned firing methods. Toggling -- X toggles the bayonet on the musket. X also toggles the "marching" position of the standalone sword and knife tools. Use this for some B&I shooting practice, just bring a friend ;)

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