
  • Civil College

    Welcome to Civil College!

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  • [offline] Civil Headquarters

    Let me know if anything breaks! UPDATES: - Responding Fixed 20s - "Last Was" fix: 34h:43m:11s - telebrace buttons always being click-able fix + Model Organizing: 1h:04m:43s - brief/room command fix: 29m:1s - portrait editor pop up on click fix: 52s - Elevator Update - Civil Forum - TV Slideshow - Briefing Room update - War Victories Wall - Fixed Bobbing - War Scoreboard displaying raid wins/losses - Wall of Victories - Wall of Shame - Lighting Fix - Ally Buildings - Faster way to get around - Updated Portal Display

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  • Obstacle 2 Training Facility

    [ CLAN GAME - CIVIL TRAINING FACILITY ] If you want to organize a raid/match between your men and Civil, send Omnishade a PM about it! OB2TF Kind1.10 Welcome to Obstacle 2. Civil Novice Gladitiers+ only, anyone else will be escorted out by robots. -=[ Kind1.10 Info ]=- (Mx = Multiplier) - Added Chooser Menu option AurasEnabled (determine whether auras are active during scrimmage) - Added Chooser Menu option ScrimDamageMx (during scrimmage, all base damage will be multiplied by ScrimDamageMx, bodypart damageMx is applied last) - Added Chooser Menu option HeadshotMx (determine whether headshots apply damageMx) - Added Chooser Menu option LimbshotMx (determine whether limb shots apply damageMx) - Added Time Travel () Let Dinizterz know of any bugs, try to include the bug lines in Developer Console (Press F9 to open Dev. Console)

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  • Underfort Resistance

    If you want to organize a raid/match between your men and Civil, send Omnishade a PM about it! [ CLAN GAME ] - [ CIVIL FORT ] There is no admin in this fort. Haven't read this thread? Read: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=111167695 The year is 2051! Civil discovers the extremely efficient fuel source: Omnium. Civil goes off-radar to allow themselves to set station in their secret massive keep of the element, Underfort Resistance. The clan world ravages with war for control of the newfound element and soon finds Civil's new mountainous headquarters. The only way to the HQ is through the Underfort! Made by Dinizterz

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  • Old Zombiecon

    Enjoy the original Zombiecon map, the map before the Anniversary update. Gameplay cannot be restored due to copyright issues with the original gun models. ################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ########################################################################################################################################################################## #######################################################################

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  • Black Friday Simulator

    [ CONTROLS ] E - Sprint V - Menu 1, 2, 3, 4 - Equip Melee or Sale Items F, R - Adjust Filter Right Click + Hold - Pick up Items [ GAMEPLAY ] In Black Friday Simulator, everyone is given a shopping list full of hot, Black Friday deal items. The objective is to collect these items and then scan them at checkout- however, there are not enough items to please everyone's list. Thus, you must resort to physical aggression to fight over the items. The shopper with the most checked out items is the true winner of the sale! The game runs EXCELLENT lag wise with 34 Player Servers, I've bumped the max to 45. Maybe 55 will be a reality! :) DEVELOPMENT BEGAN ON: December 21st, 2014 -=[ DEVELOPERS ]=- ARSENAL Solo Project: Dinizterz Design Aid by dethtamer

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  • [non mis à jour depuis 2 ans, bientôt mis à jour] Zombiecon Anniv

    F - Combat au corps à corps Q - Viser Shift/E - Sprint 2 ans de mises à jour seront bientôt publiées (je suis malade) Publié le 3 septembre 2013 grande mise à jour I : octobre 2014 grande mise à jour II : juin 2015 grande mise à jour III : bientôt été 2018 Aidez-vous les uns les autres dans les domaines ZCon, que cela soit un nouvel objectif aujourd'hui. C'est un tout nouveau jeu. Essayez-le, parlez-vous, tirez sur le zombie sur le point d'attaquer votre coéquipier si vous voulez des informations directes, regardez le groupe Shout and Wall https://www.roblox.com/Groups/group.aspx?gid=970396 [2.9.1] Le système FilterString a été implémenté ! [2.8.7] Filtrage activé ! Découvrez les nouveautés de la mise à jour 2.8.7 dans le journal des modifications ! https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=161327438 [EXIGENCES] - Processeur Pentium - 4 Go de RAM - 100 ms de ping Tout le monde sur le serveur doit avoir des exigences, sinon le jeu risque de prendre du retard. Basé sur l'expérience du joueur.

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  • [active project] Zombiecon: the Last Seven

    ### ####### zone N o t l a n d i n g z o n e Fav

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Dinizterz n'a aucune création.