
  • Welcome to Bloxburg

    You're about to embark on an extraordinary adventure in the city of Bloxburg! 🏡 Design and build the place of your dreams, where you can customize every detail with furniture, appliances, and decorations that reflect your unique style. Let your imagination run wild as you bring your creations to life, whether it's a cozy cottage, extravagant mansion, casual coffee shop, or elegant 5-star restaurant. 😃 Meet and make new friends, engage in roleplay, create your family, customize your character and age, stay fit at the gym, take your ride for a spin, and enjoy cooking some yummy meals or grab a quick bite in town. 💵 Pursue exciting careers and earn in-game money to elevate your lifestyle. Whether you fancy being a delivery person, pizza baker, hairdresser, or any other available in-game professions, the choice is yours. & MUCH MORE! ✨ FOLLOW US and don't forget to give the game a THUMBS UP! 👍 Version: 0.12.0 Update Log: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/--/361910

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