
  • Uprising (InDev)

    A new project by AlienDev

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  • Massachusetts Driving Simulator [CLOSED]

    A driving sim in a fictional Massachusetts city. This game includes a downtown area with high rise towers, a less congested suburb and an interstate running around the map.

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  • GTA: ROBLOX [New UI Testing, Radios, Weapons Soon]

    Welcome to Brickdale. That perfect happy-go-lucky town. Well... it was. In the 90's it began to become taken over by small gangs which joined forces and became this one huge criminal empire... They go by the Brickdale Gang and they control most of the city. The cops can't seem to take them on but there are some who know how to stop them. They won't do it themselves though, they need someone new to town who can put up a fight. Yep. I'm talking about you. You will be contacted soon by jcpruett1298 once you arrive in Brickdale. Don't want to scroll through the game passes? We hear ya! Gamepasses are available through the Black Market in game and are organized by type! If you have bought the "Create a Crew" gamepass, please contact me to arrange your crew's addition into the game. Credit to various users for some cars. Map, Scripting and Missions made by me.

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