
  • Halo Flood Defense v3.2 [Desc. Please]

    This isn't Defense, this is Survival... A platoon of marines have crashed in a strange valley, they started to fix up their pelican, when the flood came... ruthless creatures from the time of the Forerunners that made short work of their engineer, stranding them. Now they must hold against the flood until more Marines come to help them... or share the same fate... ___________________________________________________________ v3.2 - Okay I'm aware that there are gun troubles again. Honestly I thought I fixed it lol. Well it seems that the guns work at longer ranges, but I'll see if I can fix em up. ___________________________________________________________ On raycast: I've been really really busy lately, sorry for the slow progress, but im getting there. Please be a bit more patient. :D ___________________________________________________________ Credit: ManiacMonkey856, Halome47, manofthelol, and Y0SHIN8OR. Minor credit of course ;D

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  • Black Hawk Down v1.3 (Might Re-Do Map)

    The Elite Delta Force of the US Military has been sent in to rescue two downed Black Hawk Helos. The Rangers are to move in with a convoy and rescue them, but the Deltas may not be able to hold out, they are scattered, outnumbered, and pinned, can you survive until evac?________________________ Version 1.3 I added flares to mark the evac sites and an extra class, a SAW and a Deagle. Also improvments to both spawn points. I set the militia a bit back from each Delta area so they would have more time to hold them off. I might re-do the map entirely. I think the terrain tool would make it a lot more interesting.

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  • project (I'm still in the early stages of dev)

    I'm currently working on the spawning area thing and some slightly complicated dialog trees to try and immerse the player more. Once I think I have a basis where I'd feel too bad if I scrapped the project, I'll release what it actually is.

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  • testing

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  • Airsoft - 4 Fields - v1.2 - Safes Out, Kickscript

    Airsoft is a military simulation sport played all over the world in which players use tactical knowledge to eliminate the other team. 1 hit and you're out, play wisely and work as a team! __________________________________________ #### # ## more safe zones, the script applies to all bricks. Now there's a kick script for you guys.

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