
  • Apartamentos de la ciudad {WIP}

    Solo porque me aburría

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  • Spinoff de la vida medieval

    Inspirado en el viejo juego " Medieval Life " de Paldi. ¡De ninguna manera esto está destinado a descontar el juego antiguo! Me gustó mucho el mapa y he elegido un aspecto similar aquí (comenzando desde cero, en mi propio estilo). Si el juego antiguo fuera abierto, lo jugaría al 100%. Pero ya que no lo es, estoy reviviendo el mapa para otros a los que también les encantó. ESTE JUEGO ESTÁ /EN DESARROLLO/ Las cosas serán desordenadas, las GUI no se alinearán, las cosas fallarán Lo siento de antemano. Sé sobre estos, y serán arreglados Gracias por comprobarlo.

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  • Pirate/Colonial RP {WIP}

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  • The Library of CewkieTron

    I thought it would be fun to implement a bunch of random stories/lore I've written into an actual library. So, I'll be adding stories as I can. ~Warning, this place may lag!~

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  • Estación Espacial {MiniRP}

    Excuse the messy map you can see outside! I'm reclaiming an old, unused place. I'll remove it later. Welcome to POV-0083, the Planetary Observation Vessel #0083. This small station orbits a large desert planet, monitoring the conditions on the planet's surface. The crew consists of 18-20 individuals of varying galactic origins, all working together in their specific positions aboard to keep the station, and the planet it monitors, running smoothly. Unless there happens to be some on-board drama... There is no concrete lore for this game to allow artistic freedom in roleplay. However, you can check the in-game lobby for loose planet names/story ideas to get you started. Have a blast! Also, if you didn't utterly hate the game, PLEASE leave a like! It helps me a lot in gaining new players.

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  • Everpines Village, Cherlona

    Major updates in the works. 😱 Join the chat server to help choose future features and updates!

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  • After the Shutdown {Fan-made ATF Snow Reboot}

    Okay, so about this "Experimental Mode" shtuff... So a while back, roblox came up with this useless setup for amateur developers' games called Experimental Mode. It was just that, experimental. It threw off a bunch of the basic player-interaction scripts like GUIs and gear dispensers, so it's been a real pain to amateur developers like me. I don't know how to script around it, so I'm just having to transfer NTTF to a new game altogether. This is no big deal for players, but it will be odd to see the game suddenly having a newer creation date. So yeah, that's what's going on. I'm hoping the switch with let me fix some scripts that have been screwy for a long, long time. Toodles.

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  • Ski Slope {WIP}

    Going to connect this to Winter Cabin, eventually.

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