
  • All My Models (For Developer Forum!)

    A list of all the models that are not cringy I have made. They are placed on the baseplate! :D

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  • Deadzone: Carne Aderunt

    Carne Aderunt - Latin for Reincarnated. Team: afrosamarain scull42 carpro99 //The Lobby, UI, and basic Player Settings are making tremendous progress! Massive boost in progress thanks to scull42 and carpro99 joining the crew! Big thanks to them! Deadzone by DeadzoneZackZak, who unfortunately left us. Then Reyne came along with DZR, leaving us and the game to ultimate doom. I will try to bring it back. If this attempt fails, let's just remember what Deadzone used to be. Some things cannot be brought back, and are best left as happy memories.

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  • Daredevil Valley {ALPHA} (READ DESC!)

    || Have not updated in a long while, simply because I have been away from roblox pursuing other hobbies, but I am back into ROBLOX again! || 0.4 *Recreating trucks *Recreating physics *Scripting a new User Interface *Working on snow and rocky areas *Working on some fun easter eggs *Adding more trucks *Making a garage *working on the valley

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  • Deadzone: Reincarnated [Updates!]

    vv Update Log vv Prepare for: More food Better mechanics AND Character looks Jumping More guns? [0.04] -This update, had to, unfortunately, be a bug fix. -Fixed the white screen on load -A bunch of other crap [v0.03] +Fixed music, as it was louder then the lobby. +Fixed food audio +Fixed ACR audio +Fixed Filtering Enabled [v0.02] +Added Ambience Music! :D +Added Smoke in the Lobby! :D +Added Mist in the Deadzone! :D [V0.01] +ADDED A NEW CAR! :D +Changed lobby music! :D +Fixed gun noises! :D +Fixed vehicle noises! :D +Fixed footstep noises! :D +Fixed admin/moderator script! :D +Fixed something mysterious! :D +Fixed reload noises! +Fixed the Thumbnail! :D -Kohls Admin for 135 Robux as it is PERMANENT. -Tips for 10 Robux -Donations for Happy peopl! For 100 Robux

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