
  • Templo de Văduva, Océanos de Tormentas, Luna

    El Templo de Văduva es el hogar fuera del mundo de la reina Malvina Văduva. Sirve como sede de la cultura de Transilvania, ubicada en el centro de una región conocida como el "Océano de Tormentas" en Luna. Luna es el pequeño mundo satélite rocoso que orbita la Tierra.

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  • Back at the Barnyard: The Barnyard (Display)

    From Back at the Barnyard (2007-2011). ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ The story generally revolves around Otis and his barnyard friends. Otis wants to horse around, but has to be responsible and protect the inhabitants of the Barnyard. He and his friends have many crazy adventures, his friends have to overtake many obstacles like preventing Mrs. Beady from proving that animals can talk and distracting the farmer, so that they can throw a party. Otis gets himself in a sticky situation where his friends have to come to the rescue, resulting in him learning a lesson.

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  • Hero Garden

    The Hero Garden is an area where there is a pool that Chao can swim in, only instead of a cave that leads to Chao Stadium, there is a small fountain, along with a sign behind it says "Hero Garden."

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  • Mansión de la Isla de Malvina Boleyn

    Una casa paradisíaca para una dinastía inglesa.

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  • Dark Beauty Castle, Dark Hill Zone

    Dark Hill Zone is a dark grassy wasteland, with no environmental features and is the home of numerous forbidden evil entities. It is the home to Mal the Cat and her loyalists.

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  • Kung Fu Panda: El Reino de los Espíritus (Mostrar)

    El Reino Espiritual es el nombre del mundo donde los maestros de Kung Fu van en el más allá. Es un plano de existencia descrito como un mundo indefinido, una realidad alternativa donde no hay concepto de tiempo y la perspectiva está sesgada. Oogway reside en este reino, así como varios otros espíritus.

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  • The Lobby

    The Lobby is where you are placed when you first enter the Gardens. In the center is a teleporter pad which you can use to exit the lobby and by extension, exit the Gardens. The Lobby consists of multiple different gardens.

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  • Neutral Garden

    The Neutral Garden is an area is filled with palm trees that grow nuts which are used to feed the Chao. There is also a waterfall and pool with a cave behind the waterfall. The area is surrounded on almost all sides by a cliff like structure with the entrance and exit from the Main Hall being a small cave in the cliff.

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  • Dark Garden

    The Dark Garden is a mountainous region that is made of gray rock, is filled with twisted trees, gravestones and red-colored water, and surrounded, in some parts, by a black fence. One of trees has a cage hanging on it, and small tufts of grass are found sparingly in the area. A small island lies on the other side of it containing a rock with the words "Dark Garden" on it.

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  • Paisaje Mental de Malvina

    No llores porque se acabó... Sonríe porque sucedió.

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