
  • Testing Playground

    I'll be dropping dumb little side projects here from time to time. Feel free to enjoy them! The assets in the game are almost entirely made for this game. All scripting was done by me while all textures, graphics, and custom meshes are made by CptPolka. The buildings on the map were done between the two of us. While all of what is present seems like a cohesive game, it's merely a collection of assets we made to mess around with. This game is not intended to be, nor will it ever be, considered a realized game. There is no goal or objective, it's merely a sandbox. More will be added to the map as time goes on, branching outwards from what is currently built. If the game fascinates you, consider following the game! You'll get notifications whenever a large amount of content is added. If you'd like to learn more about what's in the game and how I made them, check out my blog at ejobwastakenagain.blogspot

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  • private test

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  • Rib Steak(Updated ##### Times!)

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  • CTF Milagro

    Mapa Actual: Phoenix Gorge por Noobertuber Arreglé la copia fija del juego 10 años después. No solo las herramientas funcionan, sino que las armas ahora disparan balas correctamente y también se solucionan otros errores que quedaron rotos en la antigua copia (basados en errores de codificación y notas encontradas en el origen). La física de los proyectiles se ha ajustado al nuevo sistema de ROBLOX y un ligero tiempo de reutilización al saltar para coincidir con el equilibrio del original. Las rotaciones de mapas están planeadas en el futuro. Este proyecto de mascota fue arreglado por diversión; si se genera suficiente interés, con mucho gusto modernizaré el juego sin apartarme demasiado de la identidad del juego.

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  • Tribleman's Shiv er

    Not a weapon.

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ejob no tiene creaciones.