
  • Juegos de Cazador: Último Sobreviviente

    -- Esto es un archivo, no esperes actualizaciones -- (excepto las correcciones de errores, intentaré mantenerlo estable) ¡Bienvenido a Hunter Games: Last Survivor! Es un remake de los clásicos juegos de lucha roblox mezclados con elementos modernos en una arena aleatoria, un árbol podría estar en otro lugar, esa estructura podría estar en otro lugar, ese bioma podría estar en otro lugar, ¿son las probabilidades de tu lado? ¡Es hora de averiguar! [[ CONTROLES ]] // Movimiento // Shift o Ctrl (Shift por defecto) - Ejecutar C - Agacharse // Inventario // Flecha de inventario o " - Abre espacios de inventario infinitos Arrastra una herramienta a otra para cambiar de ranura Backspace - Suelta la herramienta seleccionada 1 a 9 - Herramientas principales // Engranaje// R - Recargar (solo algunas armas necesitan ser recargadas) Q - Cambiar modos de arma F - Analyze weapon (te permite ver las estadísticas del arma) El juego es actualmente un trabajo en progreso, espera cambios, errores y fallos.

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  • First Person Horror Prototype

    A prototype for testing a monster AI capable of roaming and look for sound clues and chase if within line of sight. [[ Controls ]] Ctrl - Crouch (Decreases loudness by 50%) Shift - Sprint (Increases loudness by 50%) You can pick up batteries to recharge the flashlight

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  • Herickman's Encyclopedia

    -- This is an archival, don't expect updates -- (except bug fixes, I'll try to keep it stable) This place is a hub for cancelled projects.

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  • Functional Santa Sleigh

    This sleigh was originally made for a portuguese christmas competition on the devforum, multiplayer compatible and has something for the other player to do while santa flies. Controls: [[Santa]] - You can enter the vehicle from both entrances on the left and right by getting near their hitbox. - The sleigh always moves foward, so don't worry about speed, just keep moving straight to get max speed. W and S = Move up and down A and D = Move left and right Q and E = Spin! (use this to fix your rotation when necessary) [[Elf]] - You can ride on top of the reindeer by climbing it near its neck. (there's an invisible seat there for you to stand up and get the present launcher) E - Switch gift type (Green bad, Red good)

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  • Prototipo Cooperativo

    Este es un prototipo cooperativo para una idea de juego que tenía, nunca realmente avanzé con ella. [[ CONTROLES ]] Q - Shatter/Undo (Solo Jugador 1) NOTA: El modo multijugador requiere que 2 jugadores estén conectados para comenzar

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  • Vib-Ribbon Prototype

    -- This is an archival, don't expect updates -- PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE PLAYING/RATING Just an infinite running game inspired on a PS1 rhythm game called Vib-Ribbon, this Roblox version doesn't actually have a music to follow the beat, it's just randomly generated. Controls: Q - Dodge blocks A - Dodge pits E - Dodge walls with holes D - Dodge spikes This game is very unstable when played with bad internet connection.

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