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  • Choose a Team and Build Their Fort V2

    For commands, use the player's username instead of their display name. Players may appear to be standing on invisible blocks if a player used the remove command on you. Chat Commands: • remove [username]: Permanently removes your character and blocks from their screen, and permanently removes their character and blocks from your screen. • undo [username]: Undoes their deletes on your blocks. • show deletes: Shows recent deletes on your blocks by other players. • regen: Next regeneration regenerates original map parts, makes all parts modifiable and some fixes. Based on:

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  • Elige un equipo y construye su fuerte

    Escribe "patear [nombre de usuario]" para votar para patear a un jugador abusivo. Usa el nombre de usuario del jugador en lugar de su nombre de pantalla. Basado en: https://

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