
  • La Casa

    Un juego donde debes evitar que los intrusos entren a tu casa en medio de la noche. 📣Actualmente estoy en el proceso de rehacer el juego completamente desde cero, ya que no se dirigía en la dirección que quería. No esperes que esté listo por un momento.📣 Actualmente en fase de prueba.

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  • Factions [Demo]

    At the moment, this experience has no gameplay purposes. This will be changed in the future with more updates. This version of Factions is just an early demo of what the game will be. This means that only Friends can playtest it for now. Once the game has enough content, it will be available for anyone to play.

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  • CreeperBl0x's FPS

    New update, who would've guessed? This time I added sprinting and functional levers. The next update will completely overhaul the entirety of the game. No release date for it, but hoping to have it out whenever it's done. The map will be redone in the future, the castles are just placeholders I made years ago. ~~v0.0.35: - Sprinting was added - The levers for the castle gates actually work. - Added walls in between the castles for cover. - Added a day and night cycle (QoL?) ~~Other: - Camera is now locked to first-person - Gates no longer have bullet collision. - Other small fixes. NOTE: This experience is in a very early state, which means its not finished and has many bugs, unfinished, or broken features.

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