
  • Search For The Switch (Read Desc)

    Hello Robloxians, I want to tell you people that this was a game I created when I first joined roblox. It is a free model game, and after awhile I somehow infected it with viruses. The game wouldn't work for the longest time. Now with my knowledge of the roblox studio, I managed to remove those viruses. The viruses broke the main components of the game, and now the game has no purpose, but you can still look around at what it once was. Here is the old description: Your goal is to search for the switch to blow up my house. If every thing is in total chaos leave the game and come back (my regen button isn't working). There are eight switches, one will blow up my house, one will open a gate and the others will do annoying things. The rocket controls are: y to go x to stop and click to change direction. Sorry about the lag.

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  • water slide ride

    Not done, but could replace my broken game.

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  • spyblox007's Place Number: 12

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  • Demolish the building.

    Kind of laggy

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  • Bridge One

    THis is a rope bridge I made which is very laggy and glitchy. Also it is very long. See how long you can stand on it before falling off.

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  • Bridge Two

    This is my second bridge. It is less laggy then the first one and is shorter and less glitchy. If a player isn't careful while walking on the bridge though, some of the planks will fall off. See how many times you can cross it before it becomes impossible. Edit: I don't know what's wrong with the bridge, it worked fine in the studio. For some reason when playing in a normal roblox game touching the bridge will cause all heck to break loose.

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  • Bridge Three

    This is the same as bridge 2 but it has walls. Hopefully it works this time. Edit: It doesn't D:.

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  • Bridge Four

    Added invisible blocks to bridge 3. Hope fully will keep it from glitching out as much. Edit: Still too glitchy, it is possible to get to the other side now, but you have to regen the bridge first.

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  • Bridge Five

    It's the same as bridge four except I nerfed the breakable floor boards. I also made it so that the bridge is supported by the walls. The sides of the bridge are still breakable which will probably cause glitchiness. If you rub against the side of the bridge while you cross it the bridge will fall apart so be careful. Edit: The bridge is still glitchy and will have to be regenerated a few times. Bridge 6 will remove all breakable joints.

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  • Bridge Six

    Same as bridge five but has no breakable joints at all. Will hopefully not break your game. Edit: HUGE SUCCESS!!! I did notice though that the bridge would have problems with swaying. Due to the invisible blocks the bridge will collapse in on itself when not balanced. Easy to fix though, ill just make it so the railing isn't supporting the bridge.

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  • Final Bridge

    Finished adding the final touches. This will be the one I work on.

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  • Final bridge 1/2

    I re-added the breaking beams. The bride won't glitch out though because of more invisible bricks (hopefully).

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