
  • KOOL KILLER VI The Final Inception

    Actualización: ¡El juego está de vuelta! {ThisgamewasfirstmadebyCloneTrooper1019IamcontinuingitIgivefullcreditforthemainversionthisistheonlyversionleft.Ifyoudon'tbelievemecheckmygroupsInowowntheKOOLKILLERgroup.} _________________________________________________________________ Sobre el Juego: Este juego fue hecho por primera vez por CloneTrooper1019. Más tarde me dieron el juego para continuar (Long story). He llevado el juego en actualizarlo y hacerlo mejor, pero mantenerlo clásico. Este juego es un muy buen juego y espero que todos lo disfruten. ¡Me siento honrado de llevarlo!:) Cualquier problema con el mensaje del juego me lo agradecería:) _________________________________________________________________

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  • KOOL KILLER VI The Final Inception: Classic

    ALL CREDIT GOES TO CLONETROOPER1019! Every bit of this version of the game. For those who play the official version but miss the classic here it is! I haven't touched it at all except make it work again. Any problems just message me. This is the very last update CloneTrooper1019 ever did to it. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did. My version is here http://www.roblox.com/KOOL-KILLER-VI-The-Final-Inception-place?id=103491413 Remember to join the group for a extra 100 points each round!

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  • Kool Killer The No Auto Update

    So as you can see KK2 is dead(for now) I have absolutely no motivation for it. I however do have motivation to make the first bigger and better as of now. I actually would find updating KKVI to make it bigger and better more reasonable than a sequel. I'm sorry if you really looked forward to this I might even one day return to the production of this I had some good ideas. But considering it's been months since I touched this I'm just going to say that this production is dead for now. However I did accomplished to completely remove auto and the ending of KKVI from the game. If you enjoy the game like this than play it with no auto. Thanks-jokergoingwild -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaving this stuff here in case this is ever revived -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Version as of now... 22) (Basic Version to use incase of anything.. 17) News: Kool Killer's health will be ---Will reduce this later 7,500---

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  • Gear Wars Tycoon!

    Updates-Adding new decals. Made other teleporters invisible. Added ladders to the Arena. Made the Areana farther away from the Tycoons. Fixed blocks. Recolored bricks. Took out some scripts and Guis. Added new teleporters. Took out a lot of gear. Took out alot of morphs and all the hats. And finaly took out the Teams!.----All gear is allowed of course. How to play- So you pick a tycoon go to the sign that says no owner. Go on it. Then go to the back where your money maker is buy the thing that is free. And wala the money maker is at your service. Earn money to buy stuff for your tycoon. And battle to the death with your gear. IF you don't have gear never fear there is some in the tycoon. Goodluck ~jokergoingwild

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  • Survive The Many Disasters

    Update: Lit up the place ALOT. Fixed the creator only door. And increased time of disaster and time in between. *My version of how I think the game should be. Pretty fun.*

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  • Jokergoingwild's Personal Server

    Here is where I build stuff with my friends. I come here when I am desperate to build something with people.

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  • Me Guasta PBS

    This is only for me and swordsfights100 only! It's our own personal server! Only me and him! No one else!

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  • The Big Adventure

    This was my very first made game. I loved it so much. I would spend hours upon hours on it just building. So I decided to open it up again to show you guys my first build. Of course it doesn't have any scripts in it or anything but I quite liked it at the time. This place is very very old but I hope you enjoy it.

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