
  • Business Empire - Alpha 0.22

    Business Empire... The game of money! In this new game to ROBLOX, you must decide how to manage your business. Will you sell fruits and chocolate, or weapons and games? What you sell, you choose! A lot of the features that will be in the full game are currently not present at all. The GUI in use at this moment will be later removed and updated.

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  • Chemica - [Closed Until Further Notice]

    ROBLOX is something I don't use often anymore. I'm currently a fairly successful blogger and it takes up the majority of my time. On those rare occassions when I come back to ROBLOX, I'll be working on Chemica. To me, this game has a lot of potential. In the new version, everything has been deleted. In the old game, you had to find Up Quarks and Down Quarks to create anything. Now, Gluons have been added. Three of these will be needed for every particle. I decided as well that Tier 2 will be Sub-Atomic Particles, Tier 3 will be Elements and Tier 4 will be Compounds. The game will have dev products and this time, making particles won't be a simple as before where it just took a left click. You will need to actualy perform processes.

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