
  • Iron Assault Training Holo

    open" - Opens Main Door. "close" - Closes Main Door. "open/close SF/meeting" - Opens or closes the SF or Meeting room. "enable SF" - Activates the SF room. Be sure to Disable when done! "disable SF" - Deactivates the SF room. Needed to use other weapons. "run [sim]" - Runs a Sim. "end sim" - Ends the sim, Teleporting all to Lobby. "begin!" - Starts the CTF Maps. Sims: Obby1 Obby2 Obby3 Obby4 Obby5 Obby6 TeamObby HFFA LFFA GFT SFT KOTH PRCTF CTF nosim. Not in Iron Assault? Enlist today.

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