
  • Digimon Digital Duskfall Updates Every Week!

    Role Play with others and just make new friends that also like Digimon! There is tons to explore including the fact that I am making updates every time I can! Like the game? Don't be afraid to drop a like and favorite and let me know what you like about the updates and what you think i should add for the future updates coming! It would also mean alot if you guys are supportive and not hating because this is ow long it took me to make: The rope bridge to the other tree house took me 3:46 hours, to make both tree houses it has taken me 7:13 hours, to find the right decals 48 minutes, and the whole place is maybe almost a day of work i had taken my free time to work on this so you guys could have fun and enjoy! So i hope you understand why the updates take me a long time and that every thing that you may not care about probably took me a long time to perfect. So the more support you guys give the better i feel and more encouraged i am about making more updates. Thanks for understanding!

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